Wednesday, October 26, 2005


The lathe is back, and so are the wood plugs -

Just thought you might want to know...

In other news, a new shipment of Bioplast body jewelry will be arriving in about 1-2 weeks, this shipment includes all the color variations (clear, black, blue, UV Yellow, UV Pink, Glow in the dark, Pearl Metallic, and Thermo Purple) for 16g and 14g curved barbells and 16g straight barbells.

Work continues daily on the new Maelstrom Studio Lab website, finally we'll be able to show you EVERYTHING we have in stock. We've got drawers of stuff that we just haven't been able to squeeze into the current website. Hopefully later today I'll be posting a link to a survey which will allow you to help us make a few decisions concerning the new site and a few new directions for Maelstrom Studio Lab Body Jewelry
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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Major Upgrades Ahead!

I'm hoping it will be ready in time for the "traditional" time for us at Maelstrom to do such things, but there will be major website updates, upgrades, etc. on the way - this will bring our site up to date and allow customers to have even MORE fun ordering from us. I can't WAIT!!! Our programmers will be giving up their weekends for at least the next 2 weeks.

In other news -
Fun new Frequently Asked Questions page for Industrial Barbells and Industrial Piercings with a section on how to measure them! Industrial Barbells FAQ

Yes, that's my actual ear in the photo on that faq page. Its weird to see a picture of JUST your ear.
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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Price drop on Industrial Empire premium navel barbells

Because we want to start carrying even MORE variations of these gorgeous handcrafted, handpolished, hand set navel barbells, we've decided to lower the price. I've been enjoying wearing the double slave ring, double onyx set version myself for the last few months. Most people look at the double slave ring design and think that it might be cumbersome to wear - surprisingly, its VERY comfortable. I forget its even there, especially since the slave rings move freely as you move. Thats one of the things that I really like about the barbells from Industrial Empire - the slave rings are set into very deep holes so they move freely without any risk of detaching. GREAT feature. Anyway, most of the barbells on the Industrial Empire page are $10 cheaper now, please take advantage in this lapse of judgement on my part.
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