New Navel Barbells - Rad prices
New fancy (but budget priced) navel barbells in a variety of colors:
Sparkling lightweight glittery dangle star navel barbells $3.99/ea
Harajuku-esque skull, chain and crosses bejeweled navel barbells $6.99/ea
Over 30 new Wildcat UK Titanium navel barbells have been added - and they're ALL on sale!
Sparkling lightweight glittery dangle star navel barbells $3.99/ea
Harajuku-esque skull, chain and crosses bejeweled navel barbells $6.99/ea
Over 30 new Wildcat UK Titanium navel barbells have been added - and they're ALL on sale!
Labels: belly ring, body jewelry, chain, crosses, glitter, navel barbell, skulls, stars
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